53 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Diskusi dan Demontrasi dalam Menceritakan Peristiwa yang Pernah Dialami Dapat Meningkatkan Pemahaman dan Daya Serap Siswa

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    Peningkatan pemahaman dan daya serap siswa sangat tergantung pada metode pembelajaran dan alat peraga. Dalam rangka meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada materi pokok menceritakan peristiwa yang pernah dialami  peneliti menerapkan penggunakan metode diskusi dan demontrasi.  Masalah yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah Apakah dengan penerapan metode diskusi dan demontrasi, dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan daya serap siswa di kelas III SD Inpres 59 Kabupaten Sorong pada materi pokok menceritakan peristiwa yang pernah dialami. Tujuan penelitian ini  adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman dan daya serap siswa pada materi sumber energi dengan menggunakan metode diskusi dan demontrasi. Untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas digunakan metode pengumpulan data ,diskusi,ceramah ,tanya jawab dan diskusi kelompok. Berdasarkan analisis data dengan menggunakan prosentase dan uji data diperoleh kesimpulan  sebagai berikut ternyatademontrasi,latihan dan  alat peraga yang tepat siswa dalam materi pokok menceritakan peristiwa yang pernah dialami  meningkat dengan menggunakan metode demontrasi,latihan dan alat peraga yang tepat

    Aplikasi Tracer Study Teknik Informatika Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

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    Tracer Study untuk menjaring data dari para alumni yang telah bekerja atau berwirausaha, umumnya dilakukan cara mengisi kuisioner secara manual berupa pengiriman surat. Hasil dari tracer study ini nantinya digunakan dalam penyusunan kurikulum yang berbasis kebutuhan industri pada program studi Teknik Informatika UMP dan sebagai salah satu syarat dalam akreditasi. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana membangun aplikasi untuk memudahkan pendataan tracer study di program studi Teknik Informatika UMP, menggantikan cara manual berupa pengisian kusioner pada selembar kertas dan menghindari semaksimal mungkin proses rekap data tradisional. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa data alumni Teknik Informatika UMP dan data kuisioner, dengan teknik pengumpulan data: (1) Data pertanyaan kuisioner, (2) Data alumni yang digunakan adalah data alumni Teknik Informatika yang lulus dari tahun 2011 s/d 2014. Langkah pembangunan aplikasi yang dilakukan menggunakan metode Pembangunan Perangkat Lunak dengan langkah pengembangan aplikasi model Spiral[2]. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian ini telah dapat membangun aplikasi Tracer Study dengan fasilitas: (1) Pengisian data kuisioner secara OnLine oleh Alumni, (2) Perubahan data oleh Admin dalam aplikasi terpisah, berikut pelaporannya dalam bentuk grafik

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Biologi Pokok Bahasan Ekosistem Guna Peningkatan Prestasi Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Sumbang

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    This study aims to establish a learning media of Biology subject on ecosystem to improve the students' achievement for the seventh graders at SMP Negeri 2 Sumbang. Applications of learning media of Biology subject on ecosystem are built to provide facilities in the delivery of course material by providing a medium of learning more interesting, attractive and easy to understand. Making an application learning media of Biology subject on ecosystem is using the software Macromedia Flash 8. Test subjects consisted of 29 students. Stages of development of multimedia teaching Biology subject of the ecosystem through six steps, namely data collection, application design, application development, application testing, and implementation and maintenance of applications. The quality of the developed learning media viewed from the aspect of the content, learning, appearance, and the programming is good and the use of learning media of Biology subject on ecosystem impact both on student achievement is an increase in the average performance of 65.28 ± 7.73 to 74, 44 ± 5.2

    Dampak Iklan Obat Terhadap Perilaku Konsumsi Obat (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Bendungan Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur Rt 005 / Rw 002)

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    ABSTRACBackground Behavioral treatment itself is mostly done by people that can lead to medication errors. Drug advertising has contributed to the behavioral treatment alone. If this are not being balanced with the correct drug information, then people will be plunged toward irrational drug use.Objective To describe drug consumption behavior among the housewives and to analyze the impact of drug ads towards the housewives.Methods This study was an observational study with cross sectional design. Using the simple random sampling, research sites in Kelurahan Bendungan Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur RT 005 / RW 002 Semarang and gained a total of 40 people as a subject. Data were collected by using questionnaire that was filled by the subject themself. Descriptive data analysis performed by chi square and fisher exact test.Results Housewives that were influenced by drug ads have no irrational drug consumption behavior and 23 people have rational drug consumption behavior. The result of multivariate analysis that were using logistic regression analysis showed that there was no significant impact of drug ads towards drug consumption behavior among the housewives at the research location after considering occupational state as confounding variable and the significant p value was 0,998.Conclusion There is no significant impact of drug ads towards drug consumption behavior among the housewives. (Kelurahan Bendungan Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur RT 005 / RW 002

    Viabilitas Benih Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis) dengan Media Perkecambahan Serbuk Gergaji dan Arang Sekam Padi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media kecambah tanah yang dicampur arang limbah gergaji dan arang sekam dalam perkecambahan benih Aquilaria malaccensis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen yang dirancang dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Data dianalisis dengan Analisi Ragam (Anova) untuk mengetahui pengaruh media terhadap daya kecambah. Untuk mengetahui mengetahui media perkecambahan mana yang memberikan persen dan waktu perkecambahan yang baik digunakan analisis HSD (TUKEY). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persen dan waktu perkecambahan benih A. malaccensis yang baik adalah pada media kecambah tanah yang dicampur arang gergaji dan sekam. Persen perkecambahan pada media ini mencapai 79,33% dengan waktu perkecambahan 20 hari

    Anomaly Detection in Small-Scale Industrial and Household Appliances

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    Anomaly detection is concerned with identifying rare events/ observations that differ substantially from the majority of the data. It is considered an important task in the energy sector to enable the identification of non-standard device conditions. The use of anomaly detection techniques in small-scale residential and industrial settings can provide useful insights about device health, maintenance requirements, and downtime, which in turn can lead to lower operating costs. There are numerous approaches for detecting anomalies in a range of application scenarios such as prescriptive appliance maintenance. This work reports on anomaly detection using a data set of fridge power consumption that operates on a near zero energy building scenario. We implement a variety of machine and deep learning algorithms and evaluate performances using multiple metrics. In the light of the present state of the art, the contribution of this work is the development of a inference pipeline that incorporates numerous methodologies and algorithms capable of producing high accuracy results for detecting appliance failures

    PERBURUAN KASUARI (Casuarius spp.) SECARA TRADISIONAL OLEH MASYARAKAT SUKU NDUGA DI DISTRIK SAWAERMA KABUPATEN ASMAT (The traditional hunting of Kasuari (Casuarius sp.) by Nduga tribe in Sawaerma District, Asmat Regency)

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kegiatan perburuan kasuari secara tradisonal oleh masyarakat suku Nduga di Distrik Sawaerma, Kabupaten Asmat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perburuan kasuari oleh masyarakat suku Nduga di Distrik Sawaerma bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein hewani dan pendapatan ekonomi keluarga. Aktivitas berburu kasuari oleh masyarakat suku Nduga masih dilakukan secara tradisional dengan menggunakan alat-alat tradisional seperti parang, kapak dan busur, anak panah. Selain itu cara penangkapan kasuari dilakukan dengan jerat leher dan jerat kaki maupun bantuan anjing berburu. Kegiatan berburu kasuari dilakukan secara secara perorangan maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hak adat (dusun). Kegiatan berburu lebih banyak dilakukan pada pagi dan malam hari, terutama saat musim hujan. Jenis kasuari yang terdapat pada areal hutan di sekitar Distrik Sawaerma adalah Kasuari Gelambir Ganda (Casuarius-casuarius), Kasuari Gelambir Tunggal (Casuarius unppendiculatus), dan Kasuari Kerdil (Casuarius bennetti). Rata-rata jumlah hasil buruan kasuari yang mengunakan jerat kaki atau leher sebanyak 2-3 ekor/hari, sedangkan menggunakan anjing berburu 1-2 ekor/hari. ABSTRACTThe research was aimed to discribe how the Nduga tribe in Sawaerma district, Asmat Regency is hunting kasuari traditionally. Descriptive method with case study was employed in this research. The resultshave shown that the main purposes of hunting kasusari by Nduga tribe were to fulfill their own need of protein as well as family income. The Nduga tribe have hunted kasuari traditionally by using traditional tools including cleavers, axe, and arrow. In addition, this tribe also hunts kasuari using neck and feet trapsas well as hunting dogs.The result also showed that Nduga tribe hunted kasuari alone or in group, and they did it based on their land customary. The most hunting time were in the morning and evening especially during rainy seasons. Single wattle (Casuarius unppendiculatus),double wattle (Casuarius-casuarius),and dwarf (Casuarius bennetti) cassowaries were foundin the area. Average number of kasuari hunted using neck and feet trap was 2 – 3 individu per day, while using hunting dogs was 1 – 2 individu per day.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kegiatan perburuan kasuari secara tradisonal oleh masyarakat suku Nduga di Distrik Sawaerma, Kabupaten Asmat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perburuan kasuari oleh masyarakat suku Nduga di Distrik Sawaerma bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein hewani dan pendapatan ekonomi keluarga. Aktivitas berburu kasuari oleh masyarakat suku Nduga masih dilakukan secara tradisional dengan menggunakan alat-alat tradisional seperti parang, kapak dan busur, anak panah. Selain itu cara penangkapan kasuari dilakukan dengan jerat leher dan jerat kaki maupun bantuan anjing berburu. Kegiatan berburu kasuari dilakukan secara secara perorangan maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hak adat (dusun). Kegiatan berburu lebih banyak dilakukan pada pagi dan malam hari, terutama saat musim hujan. Jenis kasuari yang terdapat pada areal hutan di sekitar Distrik Sawaerma adalah Kasuari Gelambir Ganda (Casuarius-casuarius), Kasuari Gelambir Tunggal (Casuarius unppendiculatus), dan Kasuari Kerdil (Casuarius bennetti). Rata-rata jumlah hasil buruan kasuari yang mengunakan jerat kaki atau leher sebanyak 2-3 ekor/hari, sedangkan menggunakan anjing berburu 1-2 ekor/hari. ABSTRACTThe research was aimed to discribe how the Nduga tribe in Sawaerma district, Asmat Regency is hunting kasuari traditionally. Descriptive method with case study was employed in this research. The resultshave shown that the main purposes of hunting kasusari by Nduga tribe were to fulfill their own need of protein as well as family income. The Nduga tribe have hunted kasuari traditionally by using traditional tools including cleavers, axe, and arrow. In addition, this tribe also hunts kasuari using neck and feet trapsas well as hunting dogs.The result also showed that Nduga tribe hunted kasuari alone or in group, and they did it based on their land customary. The most hunting time were in the morning and evening especially during rainy seasons. Single wattle (Casuarius unppendiculatus),double wattle (Casuarius-casuarius),and dwarf (Casuarius bennetti) cassowaries were foundin the area. Average number of kasuari hunted using neck and feet trap was 2 – 3 individu per day, while using hunting dogs was 1 – 2 individu per day

    Can information affect sensory perceptions? Evidence from a survey on Italian organic food consumers

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    This paper aims to investigate the influence of information on consumers’ preferences and sensory perceptions of organic food using a sample of 301 Italian organic food consumers. Consumers stated their preferences for “core organic” attributes, labels and information on food products and performed blind and informed tests on strawberry yoghurts and cookies. Data were analysed using descriptive analysis, Mann-Whitney U tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results revealed that consumers appreciate “core organic” attributes, like artisanal production and variability of sensory attributes. Comparing blind and informed tests, results showed that information affects the overall liking of products and consumers’ perception of product-specific sensory attributes. However, the influence of information on sensory perceptions depends on the product category, sensory attributes and the type of information provided

    Foreign presence, technical efficiency and firm survival in Greece: a simultaneous equation model with latent variables approach

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    The aim of the paper is to explain the role that technical efficiency and foreign spillover effects have on firm survival. Panel data from Greek manufacturing industry (3142 firms) in 1997-2003 are used. Technical efficiency is estimated through a CES translog production function. A hazard function is then used (corresponding to the Exponential and Weibull distributions as well as the Cox model) to estimate survival probabilities. While foreign spillovers exercise a positive impact on hazard, foreign firms do not have any distinctive survival advantage compared to their domestic rivals. On the contrary, technical efficiency affects hazard in a negative way, improving survival expectations

    Growth Response of Gyrinops verstegii Cuttings on Various Concentration Level of IBA (Indole Butyric Acid) Hormone RESPON PERTUMBUHAN STEK Gyrinops verstegii TERHADAP PEMBERIAN BERBAGAI TINGKAT KONSENTRASI HORMON IBA (Indole Butyric Acid)

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    Until now, the supply of the seed sources still rely on seeds or germs. Meanwhie, the certain wood species, the production of seeds are insufficient and the handling is quite difficult. Consequently, when seedling, their germination capacities and growth percentages are very low. Providing seed source through shoot cuttings which if it is planted in advantegous condition for regeneration, it will grow and develop into fast growing species as well as good quality species. Supplying of plant growth regulator is expectedly able to affect the plant growth when given according to the plant needs. This research aimed to determine the concetration level of growth reglator IBA (Indole Butyric Acid) for the growth of shoot cuttings of agarwood Gyrinops verstegii. The method used in this research is experiment with completely-randomized design (CRD). Results showed that the concentration level of IBA affected the growth of callus, roots and shoots. IBA treatment at the concentration of 300 ppm showed the best response to the cutting life, growed earlier, the number and the length of shoot are greater. However, in the root zone, the treatment without IBA hormone provided better response which is showed by the number and the length of root.Key words: Gyrinops verstegii, Indole Butyric Acid, growth respons
